The choice is really quite simple.

Our presidential election is only a few weeks away. 

We have the choice between the democrat/liberal, Joe Biden, and the republican/conservative, Donald Trump.

Yes, we have to vote for one of these two men, but we also need to consider what these two men represent.

Let’s review what you apparently support by voting for either the democrat/liberal, Joe Biden, or the republican/conservative, Donald Trump.

Democrats/liberals believe it is a woman’s right to abort a baby right up to the moment before birth.

Republicans/conservatives believe all babies have a right to be born and live. 

Democrats/liberals support defunding police departments.  All criminals are fans of this!

Republicans/conservatives believe if anything, police department support needs to be increased.

Democrats/liberals support taking guns away from law abiding citizens. Again, all criminals are fans of this!

Republicans/conservatives believe law abiding citizens have the right to protect themselves and bear arms, as guaranteed in The Constitution.

Democrats/liberals believe anyone from anywhere should be able to freely walk right into our country whenever they feel like it.  The drug cartels and human traffickers love this.

Republicans/conservatives believe our borders should be secure, limiting who can and who can’t come in at any given time, while affording us an orderly and managed legal immigration process.

Democrats/liberals believe in tearing down monuments to our history as a country.

Republicans/conservatives believe in honoring and learning from our history, not trying to erase it.

Democrats/liberals support “sanctuary” cities and states, where illegal immigrants can live without fear of being taken into Federal custody and charged with crimes or be deported.

Republicans/conservatives believe illegal immigrants are “illegal” and are here illegally, and should be treated as such. Republicans/conservatives also believe that the concerns of legal citizens should come before those of illegal immigrants.  

Democrats/liberals support raising taxes across the board.  They claim working class people won’t be affected, but we all know higher tax rates for companies and corporations are just passed down to us.

Republicans/conservatives support the continued reduction of taxes across the board.

Democrats/liberals immediately take money from the military at their earliest opportunity, weakening our nation’s defense.

Republicans/conservatives believe a strong military is an absolute necessity in today’s global environment.  The defense of our country is also the federal government’s primary responsibility per The Constitution.


Democrats/liberals love implementing a seemingly never-ending list of federal regulations designed to suffocate construction, business operations, and whatever else they can think of to stifle our civil liberties.

Republicans/conservatives believe some regulations are necessary, but that less regulation is preferable in order promote businesses and maintain a strong economy.  


Democrats/liberals feel it is a good idea to allow anyone living in our country to vote, regardless of whether they are here legally or not, and regardless of whether the voter has any proper ID to prove who they are.  

Republicans/conservatives believe only legal citizens should be allowed to vote, and that an ID should be required.

Democrats/liberals believe that government should be the “end all be all” for anyone living in America.

Republicans/conservatives believe that government is a “necessary evil,” and that most things are done more efficiently and cheaper by the private sector.

Democrats/liberals believe in a person’s dependence on government, and that having some form of a socialist government is more desirable that our capitalist system, even though no socialist government in the past can be pointed to as a successful government.  

Republicans/conservatives believe in our capitalist way of doing things, providing for ourselves as a rule, and system which allows individuals to rise to any level of success, dependent on the individuals’ desire to attain it.


Democrats/liberals believe in free speech as long as your speech agrees with their beliefs, if not, they have no problem with censoring or silencing you.  

Republicans/conservatives believe in the 1st Amendment, and that everyone has a right to their own opinions and that they have a right to voice those opinions. 

Democrats/liberals believe rioting, burning, and looting are acceptable forms of “peaceful protesting.”  They believe in deferring to the desires of “the mob” as opposed to following the law.

Republicans/conservatives believe in law and order, and that no one has the right to harm other people or their property as part of their “protest.”

Democrats/liberals prefer to operate in a way that highlights a person’s racial identity, gender identity, or sexual preference above all else…, except their political leaning.  

Republicans/conservatives prefer to identify people by the quality of their character and by their actions and beliefs, without concern for race, color, or creed.

Democrats/liberals believe the United States’ industry, people and economy need to be punished and restricted due to “climate change,” while the rest of the world is allowed to keep right on polluting and taking advantage of us.

Republicans/conservatives believe if “climate change” is real, it wasn’t caused by us and we have no real way of affecting “climate change” one way or the other.

Democrats/liberals believe fossil fuels are evil and need to be done away with.  

Republicans/conservatives believe fossil fuels are still the energy souce of choice right now, at least until other options become viable. Republicans/consrvatives like the US having energy independence, not having to rely on the Middle East for anything, contolling our own energy pricing.

Democrats/liberals believe it’s okay for the “media” to operate as an arm of the democrat party, reporting only things that support their narrative, while attacking republicans/conservatives, and especially President Trump on a daily basis.  

Republicans/conservatives believe the “media” should report from an unbiased point of view, acting as a watchdog against all government improprieties, regardless of which party it is. 

And what about the economy?

Democrats/liberals point to the economy after China, and the democrats I believe, dropped the coronavirus bomb on us.  

Republicans/conservatives point the hottest economy in history, prior to the China virus, and believe President Trump can get our econmy humming again. Without the release of “The virus,” the democrats would not have stood a chance in this election.  

So, like I said in the beginning, “The choice is really quite simple.”  

The differences between democrats/liberals and republicans/conservatives have never been more obvious. 

The question is which side are you on?

If you’re having a hard time deciding who to vote for, you are obviously one confused individual!

There should be no undecided voters at this point. 

If you really are undecided, then maybe you shouldn’t even bother voting.

Just sayin’.       

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