My Favorite and Funniest memes: 9th edition!

The political blogs have been running pretty hot and heavy as of late.

I think it’s time to step back and have a laugh or two.

So, in that spirit, here is my latest and greatest collection of funny memes!

Just to recap:

“Meme” is pronounced [MEEM], and rhymes with “seem,” if you’re not familiar with the term.

A “meme” is a humorous image that is copied and enhanced (often with the addition of a message, joke, or saying) and spread rapidly by Internet users.  

Now, without any further adieu…, here are the memes!


Well…, th-th-th-that’s all folks…, at least for now.

I hope you enjoyed my latest collection of memes!

If you haven’t already seen them, please check out my previous editions of funny memes!

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” –  Charlie Chaplin   

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Thank you, MrEricksonRules.

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