Illegitimate, racist, and cognitively challenged, Joe Biden.

During “President” Biden’s town hall, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Tuesday night, Biden demonstrated, again, his TRUE perception of black and brown people.

And good luck finding an article about his regrettable comments, because it doesn’t exist.

These remarks were apparently deemed to be unimportant, not worth reporting, and something to be ignored by the mainstream media.

Remember, if they don’t report it, it didn’t really happen.

I bet they only wish former President Trump had said something as stupid!

Now that would have been a story!  

I can only comment about these remarks because I heard them. 

Thankfully, Newsweek provided a complete transcript of the town hall meeting, otherwise I would have to rely completely on my memory.

As reported by Newsweek, “President Joe Biden spoke to CNN’s Anderson Cooper at a town hall meeting hosted by CNN in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Tuesday.”

“Biden discussed a range of topics, from when every American will be able to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and the end of the pandemic, to being ‘tired of talking about Donald Trump’ while answering questions from Cooper and members of the audience.”

It was when Biden was taking questions from the audience that he let his true feelings be known.

“AUDIENCE MEMBER: God bless you. Mr. President, hello. My name is Dr. Dessie Levy. And my question to you is considering COVID 19 and its significant impact on black Americans, especially here in Milwaukee and thus, the exacerbation of our racial disparities in health care, we have seen less than three percent of blacks and less than five percent of Hispanics given the total number of vaccines that have been administered to this point.”

“Is this a priority for the Biden administration? And how will the disparities be addressed? And that’s both locally and nationally.”

“BIDEN: Well, first of all, it is a priority, number one. Number two, there’s two reasons for it being the way it is. Number one, there is some history of blacks being used as guinea pigs in other experiments as I need not tell you, Doctor, over the last 50 to 75 to 100 years in America. So, there is a concern about getting the vaccine whether it’s available or not. But the biggest part of this is access –”


“BIDEN: — physical access. That’s why last week I opened up, I met with the Black Caucus in the United States Congress and agreed that I would — all of the — all of community health centers now, which take care of the toughest of the toughest neighborhoods in terms of illness, they are going to get a million doses, you know, a week, and how we’re going to move forward because they’re in the neighborhood.”

“Secondly, we have opened up — and I’m making sure that there’s doses of vaccine for over 6,700 pharmacies because almost everyone lives within — not always walking distance, but within the distance of being able to go to the pharmacy like when you got your flu shot. That is also now being opened.”

Unless your local pharmacy happened to be burned down during the peaceful protests last year!

“BIDEN: Thirdly, I also am providing for mobile — mobile vans, mobile units to go into neighborhoods that are hard to get to because people are — for example, even though everyone is within, you know, basically five miles of a Walgreen’s, let’s say, the fact is if you’re 70 years old, you don’t have a vehicle and you live in a tough neighborhood, meaning, you’re — it’s a high concentration of COVID, you’re not likely to be able to walk five miles to go get a vaccine.”

By a “tough neighborhood,” you mean a neighborhood where the police are being defunded and forced to operate with one hand tied behind their backs?

“BIDEN: The other thing we found is – I’m sorry to go on, but this is really important to me — the other part — portion is a lot of people don’t know how to register. Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African-American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts know how to use — know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreen’s or at the particular store.”

Wait, whaaaat?!

Did you really have to qualify these remarks around the African-American and Hispanic communities? 

So, African-Americans and Hispanics don’t know how to use their phone or a computer and get on the internet?

Is that what you’re saying, Illegitimate Joe?

Because it seems like that’s what you’re saying.

“BIDEN: So, we’re also – I’ve committed to spend a billion dollars on public education to help people figure out how they can get in there.”

So, you’ve committed A BILLION DOLLARS to show “these people,” people of color, how to get on to the internet?

Wow…, it must be harder than I thought!

Hey, Joe, I got it…, maybe you can hire some white people to shown them how it’s done?!

How about those people you kicked off the XL Pipeline?

But only the whiteys, of course.

And where is this intense training going to take place, Joe?

Will you have to build training centers?

And how long will the training be?

You know, the training to have the person press or click on the Google icon?

It may take a while for these African-Americans and Hispanics to catch on, you know.

“BIDEN: So, it’s all about trying to more rationalize in detail so ordinary people like me can understand, I mean that sincerely. I mean, my grandchildren can use that online, you know, make me look like I’m, you know, the seventh century, but all kidding aside. This is a process. And it’s going to take time.”

I am more than willing to put “all kidding aside,” Joe, but this really isn’t funny.  

In fact, it’s quite sad.

YOU are quite sad.

And you don’t have to convince me that you’re operating as if you were from the seventh century either!

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