Impeach Joe Biden now!!!

Let me start out by saying we don’t need an “official” impeachment inquiry.

And we don’t need all of these hearings and investigations into Joe Biden’s obvious corruptness.

We don’t need to tie this check to that account, or that money to this person.

We just really need to stop playing these legislative games, which it seems, only republicans feel obligated to observe.  

All we have to do is bring attention to the unquestionable “high crimes and misdemeanors” conducted by Joseph R. Biden and his cast of treasonists, regarding the colossal mess he has created on our southern border, and go from there.

But, what exactly are “high crimes and misdemeanors?”

According to Madeleine Carlisle, for Time Magazine, reporting regarding the impending impeachment of then President Donald Trump at the time, “The House of Representatives voted in favor of two articles of impeachment — accusations of abusing the power of his office and obstructing Congress’s investigation into his relationship with Ukraine — that Democrats argue fall under the umbrella of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’”

“According to the U.S. Constitution, a President can be impeached for committing ‘Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.’ Treason and bribery are relatively clear, but what exactly are ‘high crimes and misdemeanors?’ The answer, it turns out, is complicated, and has been evolving for hundreds of years.”

“The phrase ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ appears in Article II section 4 of the U.S. Constitution.”

“There are currently two major legal disputes over the definition of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors.’ The first is whether or not something in that category actually has to be a crime. Frank Bowman, a law professor at the University of Missouri School of Law and the author of High Crimes & Misdemeanors: A History of Impeachment for the Age of Trump, tells TIME he believes it doesn’t. ‘The defenders of the impeached officer always argue, always, that a crime is required,’ he says. ‘And every time that misconception has to be knocked down again.’”

“He offers this example: ‘Let’s say the President were to wake up tomorrow morning and says, “All this impeachment stuff is kind of getting on my nerves. I think I’m going to go to Barbados for six months. Don’t call me, I’ll call you,” and just cuts off all contact and refuses to do his duty,’ Bowman theorizes. ‘That’s not a crime. It’s not violating a law. But could we impeach him? Of course we could — otherwise what’s the remedy? We have a country without a President.’”

“What’s the Constitutional history of the term?”

“The concept of impeachment was used by the British Parliament as early as 1376, as a legislative safeguard against overreach by the aristocracy, and the terms in question were part of the process early on.”

‘“In England a lot of the impeachment cases had relied on this language of “high crimes and misdemeanors” from the 1640s onward,’ Bernadette Meyler, a law professor at Stanford Law School, explains.”

“But the phrase didn’t have a set definition in British practice; it was used to describe whatever thing the person was being impeached for, according to Bowman. There were several things for which people were impeached during this era: ordinary crimes, treason, corruption, abuse of power, ordinary incompetence and misbehavior in relation to foreign policy.”

“When the framers of the U.S. Constitution realized they needed a way to remove executive officials who abused the nature of their positions, they decided to add a definition for an impeachable offense. Though many suggestions were made at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, by the end of the summer they’d winnowed it down to two examples: treason and bribery.”

“But George Mason of Virginia took issue with limiting it to the two definitions, arguing they were too narrow. At the same time the Constitution was being drafted, newspapers were covering the impeachment of a statesman named Warren Hastings for misconduct during his time the Governor General of India. Mason pointed out that under their current definition, Hasting wouldn’t be impeachable. Mason suggest they broaden the definition to include ‘maladministration,’ meaning mismanagement or ineffective governance. James Madison argued back that the word would be too broad, and make it so the President would be serving at the ‘pleasure of the Senate.’ He worried Senators could remove the President if they disliked a policy move.”

“George Mason then proposed including the phrase ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ instead, and that’s the term they settled on.”

“To understand what the framers thought ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’ meant, Harvard Law professor Jennifer Taub points to Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist Paper No. 65, in which he explains the impeachment process. ‘The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust,’ Hamilton wrote in 1788.”

Soooo, a “high crime” is just a term deemed to recognize something negative a person of power is capable of doing, which the typical person isn’t even in the position to do, or even capable of doing.

It’s a “high crime.”

It’s a special kind of crime.

So, again, we don’t need an “official” impeachment inquiry.

And we don’t need all of these hearings and investigations into Joe Biden’s obvious corruptness.

We don’t need to tie this check to that account, or that money to this person.

We just really need to stop playing these legislative games, which it seems, only republicans feel obligated to observe. 

All we have to do is bring attention to the unquestionable “high crimes and misdemeanors” conducted by Joseph R. Biden and his cast of treasonists, and go from there.

This is exactly what Colorado Representative, Lauren Boebert, did on 06/13/2023, when she introduced House Resolution 503, to impeach Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.   

The latest action by the House, regarding this resolution, was to refer it to the Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement. 

Submitted articles of impeachment:


The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment” and that the President of the United States “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”. In his conduct as President of the United States—and in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of the President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed—Joseph R. Biden, Jr., has abused the powers of the office of the President of the United States, in that:

Using the powers of his high office, President Biden has knowingly presided over an executive branch that has continuously, overtly, and consistently violated Federal immigration law by pursuing an aggressive, open-borders agenda by purposefully and knowingly releasing more than 2,000,000 illegal aliens into the interior of the United States without the intention or ability to ensure that they appear in immigration court to face asylum or deportation proceedings.

President Biden has intentionally facilitated a complete and total invasion at the southern border. President Biden ended the Migrant Protection Protocols to require aliens seeking asylum to remain in Mexico while being processed by the Department of Homeland Security. President Biden has closed Department of Homeland Security detention facilities and refused to cooperate with State and local law enforcement officials in securing the border. He has allowed illegal aliens to enter the United States as asylum seekers despite knowing they did not qualify for asylum. President Biden has pursued this open-border agenda purposefully and willfully, circumventing every safeguard, check, and balance required by law, resulting in mass illegal immigration into the United States, to the detriment of the American people.

President Biden, with such conduct, has demonstrated a failure to uphold Federal immigration law, violating his oath to the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with the rule of law and to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.

Wherefore, President Biden, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.


The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment” and that the President of the United States “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”. In his conduct as President of the United States—and in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully to execute the office of the President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed—Joseph R. Biden, Jr., has neglected the constitutional duty of the office of the President of the United States, in that:

Neglecting the powers of his high office, President Biden has abandoned his duties to ensure that the laws are faithfully executed and upheld, by presiding over an executive branch that has continually, overtly, and consistently refused to enforce the Nation’s immigration laws and secure the southern border. President Biden has endangered the security of the United States and the health and safety of the American people. President Biden has caused a national security crisis and is endangering the lives of the American people.

President Biden has presided over the largest influx of illegal immigrants in American history, and as evidence of his dereliction, the deportation cases pursued by his administration are at historic lows. President Biden’s negligence of duty has resulted in the surrender of operational control of the border to the complete and total control of foreign, criminal cartels—putting the lives of American citizens in jeopardy. On President Biden’s watch, illegal aliens have been processed and released into the interior of the country under a mass system of parole, contrary to the clear terms of Federal immigration law. Utilizing the “CBP ONE” program, the executive branch will release nearly 40,000 illegal aliens per month into the United States. He has failed to uphold the mandatory detention and deportation provisions of immigration laws, resulting in the mass entry of inadmissible aliens and the continued presence of deportable aliens. Through this complete and total dereliction of duty and extreme absence in oversight of his own administration’s policies, President Biden has allowed more than 1,500,000 illegal immigrants to invade the southern border. On Joe Biden’s watch, illicit fentanyl has killed more than 100,000 American citizens. In fiscal year 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol seized more than 9,000 pounds of fentanyl at the southern border.

In his failure to uphold the rule of law, President Biden has demonstrated that he will neglect his duty to execute the office to which he has been entrusted, violating his oath to the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with his constitutional duty to take care that the laws of the United States be faithfully executed.

Wherefore, President Biden, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

I believe that about sums it up.

If these aren’t the clearest, and most valid, reasons to impeach Joseph Biden, I really don’t know what would be.

Can someone please explain to me what the House Subcommittee on Border Security and Enforcement is doing with this referral?

Can someone please explain to me what our Speaker of the House is doing with this proposal?

Does anyone in Washington D.C. give a damn about our country anymore, save a handful of patriotic conservative House representatives?!

We don’t have time for political games anymore.

Who can reasonably argue against Biden’s “high crimes,” as laid out by Representative Boebert?




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Thank you, MrEricksonRules.

Joe Biden: Chief Trafficker in Child Exploitation!  

According to Michael Ryan of “The Heartlander (a media/news company, based in Kanasa City, Missouri),” ‘“The Biden administration is in fact the ‘middleman’ in a child smuggling operation at the U.S border, for which someone needs to go to jail,’ says Sen. Josh Hawley.”

Oh, really? And, again, where is the mainstream media on this?!

Their propaganda by omission has once again made them all co-conspirators to this whole evil operation.   

“Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas told a House hearing Wednesday of the ‘sophisticated network’ of child immigrant smuggling she witnessed at a Department of Health and Human Services emergency intake in Pomona, California.”

‘”I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes,’ she testified to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement. ‘Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with recruiting in their home country, smuggled to the U.S. border, and ends when [the Office of Refugee Resettlement] delivers a child to a sponsor.’”

Some of these “sponsors” are going straight to hell with gasoline underwear on, right along with their accommodating government cohorts!

‘“Some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of transnational criminal organizations. Some sponsors view children as commodities and assets to be used for earning income. This is why we are witnessing an explosion of child labor trafficking.’”

Can there be any doubt that Joe Biden and his friends are the devil’s pawns?


And, can there be any doubt that anyone who could possibly support and provide cover for this behavior are puppets of the devil as well?

I say no. No doubt.

“Is the Biden administration really the middleman in a child trafficking enterprise? ‘Yes, absolutely,’ Hawley told the Heartlander in an interview Thursday. ‘And you can see that in the numbers. The Biden administration changed the rule to allow kids to be smuggled across the border. Now we’ve had over 300,000 of them, 300,000 who have been smuggled across the border. Almost 100,000 of those are now lost to the Biden administration.’”


100,000 lost?!

‘“They just turn them over to sponsors that often are smugglers, child traffickers. And, now they’re gone.’”


“Hawley says the immigrant children are being forced into illegal child labor; being forced to work overnight shifts in factories; being denied food and education; and even being sex-trafficked.”

‘“That’s what this administration is allowing to happen,’ the Missouri senator said. ‘It’s modern-day slavery, and they are facilitating it. They are just facilitating it because they want that border open.’”

Because they [the democrats and RINO establishment republicans] want the border open, and because they’re a bunch of evil, disgusting, shameful, pedophiles.

‘“There needs to be an FBI investigation into what’s happened at (the Department of Homeland Security) and Health and Human Services. This administration is allowing this. And No 2, the FBI needs to go and get every one of these kids that’s now been forced into slavery.’”

Ah, yes…, another investigation.

And, don’t hold your breath waiting for the FBI to do much, besides raid Donald Trump, harass other conservatives, monitor concerned parents, and infiltrate Christian churches.

Sorry, kids, but you better get used to whatever type of exploited situation you find yourself in, because “the cavalry” ain’t coming from Pedo Joe, the FBI, or any others of his and his partners in crime.

“Why isn’t this a bigger story, in a news media that scorched then-President Trump for having kids in ‘cages,’ when in truth they were holding facilities created by the Obama administration?”

‘“Oh, because since the Biden administration is doing it, Democrats now have no interest,’ Hawley says. ‘Suddenly the party of protecting kids’ safety, which is what they said years ago now, is literally turning children over to slave traffickers in our country. They’re allowing children to be exploited. They’re allowing children to be sold into slavery.’”

‘“It’s unbelievable, and they just couldn’t care less because it’s their patron saint, Joe Biden, who’s doing it. It is wrong. [“Wrong” is the nicest possible word you could use here.] They need to be held accountable. There are people who need to go to jail for this, and it needs to start with an FBI investigation.’”

An FBI investigation into child trafficking by the Biden administration?

Like I said, sorry, kids, but you better get used to whatever type of exploited situation you find yourself in, because “the cavalry” ain’t coming from Pedo Joe, his corrupt FBI, or any other of his partners in crime.

Joe Biden and his administration are guilty of being complicit in thousands, and thousands, of child slavery and child abuse cases.


And, why aren’t the republicans making a bigger deal out of this?

Could there possibly any government policy and activity more heinous and disgusting than this?

The republicans in The House and The Senate need to insist this situation be investigated and addressed RIGHT NOW, and bring the government to a standstill until it is.


There just can be NO tolerance or any type of middle ground with this kind of evil.


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“All in all, you’re just another brick in the wall.”

Prophetic lyrics from the song “Another Brick in The Wall” by the band Pink Floyd (1979. That’s 44 years ago!):

“We don’t need no education

We don’t need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom

Teachers leave them kids alone

Hey! Teachers! Leave us kids alone!

All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.

All in all you’re just another brick in the wall.”

So, who’s “another brick in the wall,” and what’s “the wall?”

In my mind, “the wall” is the metaphorical “wall,” or political construct,   of misinformation, disinformation, and the promotion of an anti-constitutional, fascist, government.

Also, in my opinion, you’re currently “a brick” in that “wall,” if you (in no particular order)…:

…Condone schools indoctrinating our children towards a particular political activism

…Condone teachers and schools acting behind the backs of parents

…Condone the democrat weaponization of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

…Believe it was okay for the FBI to raid, with over a couple dozen heavily armed agents, former President Trump’s home, but not the homes, or offices of our current president, or other former presidents

…Believe law-abiding and responsible gun owners should be disarmed, while believing criminals will follow any type of additional gun laws

…Believe that “climate change” is the biggest problem we currently face

…Believe that our government generally tells us the truth

…Believe that the mainstream media generally tells us the truth

…Believe that Covid-19 mandates really “followed the science,” were justified, and that it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated

…Believe that there is no problems with our current election systems, procedures, and accountability

…Believe that criminals have more rights than law-abiding citizens, and that they deserve to be released again, and again, and again to repeatedly victimize innocent citizens

…Believe pedophilia (the sexual abuse of children) is an acceptable lifestyle choice

…Condone the abortion of (the ruthless and brutal killing of) babies right up to the moment of birth (which currently occurs about 3,000 times a day)

…Promote divisive racism, and use racism as an explanation for virtually every problem we face as a country

…Are willing to commit economic suicide here at home, in an effort to weaken our world standing

…Believe that allowing millions and millions of illegal immigrants to flood our country is acceptable

…Don’t support the continued construction of an actual wall along our southern border

…Believe it is acceptable for our country to provide a multitude of benefits to illegal immigrants, while we already have a severe homeless problem, and a dereliction of our responsibilities to our veterans     

…Don’t really believe most of these things, but promote this evil ideology for monetary gain anyway   

I’m sure I have left out many additional reasons one could be considered a “brick in the wall.” If you’d like to add to the discussion, please leave me a comment, which myself and others reading the blog could consider.

I hope you’re not a “brick.”

If you think you might be, remember, it’s never too late to walk away from the “dark side.”

It is all of our duties to continue to fight against the construction off this metaphorical “wall,” and to fight against the “bricklayers” who continuously try and keep building it.

I know it can get tiring at times, but these “bricklayers” never take a day, or an hour, or even a minute off, so we can’t either.

Please note that anyone from technically any political party can be a “brick in the wall,” but that these characteristics are typically in-line with the democrat party ideology and narrative.

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Thank you, MrEricksonRules.

The choice is really quite simple.

Our presidential election is only a few weeks away. 

We have the choice between the democrat/liberal, Joe Biden, and the republican/conservative, Donald Trump.

Yes, we have to vote for one of these two men, but we also need to consider what these two men represent.

Let’s review what you apparently support by voting for either the democrat/liberal, Joe Biden, or the republican/conservative, Donald Trump.

Democrats/liberals believe it is a woman’s right to abort a baby right up to the moment before birth.

Republicans/conservatives believe all babies have a right to be born and live. 

Democrats/liberals support defunding police departments.  All criminals are fans of this!

Republicans/conservatives believe if anything, police department support needs to be increased.

Democrats/liberals support taking guns away from law abiding citizens. Again, all criminals are fans of this!

Republicans/conservatives believe law abiding citizens have the right to protect themselves and bear arms, as guaranteed in The Constitution.

Democrats/liberals believe anyone from anywhere should be able to freely walk right into our country whenever they feel like it.  The drug cartels and human traffickers love this.

Republicans/conservatives believe our borders should be secure, limiting who can and who can’t come in at any given time, while affording us an orderly and managed legal immigration process.

Democrats/liberals believe in tearing down monuments to our history as a country.

Republicans/conservatives believe in honoring and learning from our history, not trying to erase it.

Democrats/liberals support “sanctuary” cities and states, where illegal immigrants can live without fear of being taken into Federal custody and charged with crimes or be deported.

Republicans/conservatives believe illegal immigrants are “illegal” and are here illegally, and should be treated as such. Republicans/conservatives also believe that the concerns of legal citizens should come before those of illegal immigrants.  

Democrats/liberals support raising taxes across the board.  They claim working class people won’t be affected, but we all know higher tax rates for companies and corporations are just passed down to us.

Republicans/conservatives support the continued reduction of taxes across the board.

Democrats/liberals immediately take money from the military at their earliest opportunity, weakening our nation’s defense.

Republicans/conservatives believe a strong military is an absolute necessity in today’s global environment.  The defense of our country is also the federal government’s primary responsibility per The Constitution.


Democrats/liberals love implementing a seemingly never-ending list of federal regulations designed to suffocate construction, business operations, and whatever else they can think of to stifle our civil liberties.

Republicans/conservatives believe some regulations are necessary, but that less regulation is preferable in order promote businesses and maintain a strong economy.  


Democrats/liberals feel it is a good idea to allow anyone living in our country to vote, regardless of whether they are here legally or not, and regardless of whether the voter has any proper ID to prove who they are.  

Republicans/conservatives believe only legal citizens should be allowed to vote, and that an ID should be required.

Democrats/liberals believe that government should be the “end all be all” for anyone living in America.

Republicans/conservatives believe that government is a “necessary evil,” and that most things are done more efficiently and cheaper by the private sector.

Democrats/liberals believe in a person’s dependence on government, and that having some form of a socialist government is more desirable that our capitalist system, even though no socialist government in the past can be pointed to as a successful government.  

Republicans/conservatives believe in our capitalist way of doing things, providing for ourselves as a rule, and system which allows individuals to rise to any level of success, dependent on the individuals’ desire to attain it.


Democrats/liberals believe in free speech as long as your speech agrees with their beliefs, if not, they have no problem with censoring or silencing you.  

Republicans/conservatives believe in the 1st Amendment, and that everyone has a right to their own opinions and that they have a right to voice those opinions. 

Democrats/liberals believe rioting, burning, and looting are acceptable forms of “peaceful protesting.”  They believe in deferring to the desires of “the mob” as opposed to following the law.

Republicans/conservatives believe in law and order, and that no one has the right to harm other people or their property as part of their “protest.”

Democrats/liberals prefer to operate in a way that highlights a person’s racial identity, gender identity, or sexual preference above all else…, except their political leaning.  

Republicans/conservatives prefer to identify people by the quality of their character and by their actions and beliefs, without concern for race, color, or creed.

Democrats/liberals believe the United States’ industry, people and economy need to be punished and restricted due to “climate change,” while the rest of the world is allowed to keep right on polluting and taking advantage of us.

Republicans/conservatives believe if “climate change” is real, it wasn’t caused by us and we have no real way of affecting “climate change” one way or the other.

Democrats/liberals believe fossil fuels are evil and need to be done away with.  

Republicans/conservatives believe fossil fuels are still the energy souce of choice right now, at least until other options become viable. Republicans/consrvatives like the US having energy independence, not having to rely on the Middle East for anything, contolling our own energy pricing.

Democrats/liberals believe it’s okay for the “media” to operate as an arm of the democrat party, reporting only things that support their narrative, while attacking republicans/conservatives, and especially President Trump on a daily basis.  

Republicans/conservatives believe the “media” should report from an unbiased point of view, acting as a watchdog against all government improprieties, regardless of which party it is. 

And what about the economy?

Democrats/liberals point to the economy after China, and the democrats I believe, dropped the coronavirus bomb on us.  

Republicans/conservatives point the hottest economy in history, prior to the China virus, and believe President Trump can get our econmy humming again. Without the release of “The virus,” the democrats would not have stood a chance in this election.  

So, like I said in the beginning, “The choice is really quite simple.”  

The differences between democrats/liberals and republicans/conservatives have never been more obvious. 

The question is which side are you on?

If you’re having a hard time deciding who to vote for, you are obviously one confused individual!

There should be no undecided voters at this point. 

If you really are undecided, then maybe you shouldn’t even bother voting.

Just sayin’.       

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We’re all entitled to our opinions.  I value yours and your feedback as well.

I’d love to hear from you!

Thank you, MrEricksonRules.

A onetime illegal immigrant and a “Dreamer” is running for Congress…, as a Pro-Trump Republican!



This is awesome!

Tell me more!

According to Joshua Nelson for Fox News, “A Pro-Trump immigrant is challenging a Democrat incumbent in Michigan.”

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A “pro-Trump immigrant?!”

You won’t see the “biased, liberal propaganda, fake news media” touching this story with a ten foot pole!

“The Republican congressional candidate, Whittney Williams, shares her unique story, as she challenges Democrat Rep. Haley Stevens in Michigan.”

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“A pro-Trump immigrant and Republican congressional candidate who initially came to the U.S. illegally told Fox News she was a ‘Dreamer’ for 16 years and ‘it’s not a good life.’”

‘“I don’t wish that life upon anybody and that’s why I feel the need to speak up now, because the narrative from the left is not portraying that side of the story well,’ Whittney Williams told [the hosts of the show] ‘Fox & Friends.’”

So let me get this right…, “the narrative from the left is not portraying that side of the story well…,” and this is coming from someone who was an illegal immigrant and classified as a “Dreamer.”

Hmmm, that’s odd, isn’t it?

The “left,” meaning the democrats and the “biased, liberal propaganda, fake news media,” are being disingenuous, AGAIN, with their portrayal of the situation here for their own benefit.

Same old story…, same old song and dance.

“Williams arrived in the U.S. at age 10 with her family, which she said came on a tourist visa. She and her family overstayed their visa, living in the U.S. illegally.”

‘“I was basically called a Dreamer,’ Williams, now 37, said while also noting she did not speak English at the time.”

Now this is a true “overcoming the odds,” success story that needs to be trumpeted!

Williams has since married an American, and thus became a legal American citizen.

‘“The DACA and DREAM act didn’t work for me because, even though it was proposed in 2001, nothing was done even though Obama campaigned on passing the DREAM Act in his first term and second term,’ she said. ‘But then nothing was done and so he used an unconstitutional executive order to put DACA in place.’”

Hmmm. That’s odd.  You mean to tell me we have a democrat promising to do things, over and over again, in two elections, and then not getting it done?

Unlike President Trump, who has virtually kept ALL of his campaign promises.

Like they say…, you could look it up.

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“DACA was created under an executive order in 2012. The program granted illegal immigrants or ‘Dreamers’ who were brought to the United States as children the opportunity to receive a renewable two-year reprieve from deportation and become eligible for a work permit.”

‘“I know that President Trump is trying his best to find a permanent solution for those that are here like me, Dreamers.’”

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“Williams is challenging Democrat Rep. Haley Stevens in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District. She says her opponent has a voting record that ‘is not in line with the values of Michiganders because in the Midwest we have different values (than) in California so it doesn’t go well for our constituents.’”

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What kind of “different values?!”

You mean you don’t want to put the needs of illegal immigrants ahead of the needs of your citizens?

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Do you mean you don’t want rampant homelessness in your cites?

And are you saying you have something against a “poop patrol?!”

And what about those evil plastic straws?

“Stevens last year flipped a Republican seat previously held by retired GOP Rep. Dave Trott.”

Well…, you might have a challenge on your hands here, Ms. Williams.  Your constituency is obviously mentally challenged.

But you go girl!

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I’ll be keeping an eye on that congressional race.

Help Make America Great Again and Keep America Great in 2020!

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Thank you, MrEricksonRules.

You want to shame US border agents?  That’s the real shame. 

According to David Montanaro of Fox News, “New York Times op-ed writer calls for public shaming of US Border Patrol agents.”

Ahh yes, “the failing” New York Times, as President Trump likes to say.

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“A human rights professor called for the identities of U.S. Border Patrol agents to be made public so they can be ‘shamed’ for the mistreatment of migrants, saying a ‘mass atrocity’ may be taking place.”

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“Kate Cronin-Furman, an assistant professor of human rights at University College London, wrote in the New York Times over the weekend that Border Patrol and other federal agents must be pressured into ending their participation.”

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Okay…, I’ve got all kinds of problems with this guest op-ed writer.

First of all, she’s not even from the United States!

Second of all, she’s a college professor, an assistant professor actually, a profession otherwise known as a liberal activist and propagandist!

And lastly, she has a hyphenated name.

She wants to “shame” our border agents, as well as make their identities public, because of their “mistreatment of migrants?”

Exactly what kind of “mistreatment” are you accusing them of Ms. Cronin-Furman?

These agents are dealing with tens of thousands of illegal immigrants every month, and I haven’t heard of any cases of “mistreatment.”

They are just doing their job according to the law, as handed down by our dysfunctional houses of elected morons.

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In fact…, I hear more cases of them going above and beyond what’s required of them.

I would contend that our congressional representatives have a much harder time doing their jobs, while causing much more pain and suffering to actual American citizens in our country.

These aren’t mean people, Ms. Cronin-Furman…, not like you and your liberal propagandist friends.

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‘“The identities of the individual Customs and Border Protection agents who are physically separating children from their families and staffing the detention centers are not undiscoverable,’ she wrote.”

Oh really?  Could I just mention that YOUR personal information and the personal information of all of YOUR comrades is also “not undiscoverable.”

‘“Immigration lawyers have agent names; journalists reporting at the border have names, photos and even videos.  These agents’ actions should be publicized, particularly in their home communities,’ she added.”

Lawyers and “journalists.”  Now there’s a motley crew for you!

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“Cronin-Furman claimed she was not making ‘an argument for doxxing’ but wants to see an effort to expose the ‘midlevel functionaries who make the system run.’”

What a disingenuous liar.

So you say you’re not making “an argument for doxxing,” but on the other hand you’re calling for the publication of their personal information.  What do you think doxxing is?

Just another typical fascist liberal calling out to other fascist liberals.

‘“The knowledge, for instance, that when you go to church on Sunday, your entire congregation will have seen you on TV ripping a child out of her father’s arms is a serious social cost to bear. The desire to avoid this kind of social shame may be enough to persuade some agents to quit and may hinder the recruitment of replacements,’ she argued.”

The problem is Ms. Cronin-Furman…, how do you know the arms the child is being taken from is their father’s arms?

Are you aware Ms. Cronin-Furman that it is becoming more and more common for children to be used just to cross the border?

Are you aware Ms. Cronin-Furman that in many cases these children are not traveling with their families?

So in all actuality, the picture you want to publicize is more likely to be a border agent RESCUING a child from a human trafficker or worse.

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For someone who is an assistant professor of human rights, you seem more interested in promoting the liberal agenda than “human rights.”

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‘“For someone who is ‘just following orders,’ the prospect of being internationally shamed as a rights abuser and being unable to travel freely may be significant enough to persuade them to stop participating.’”

Wow!  You’re just full of great ideas aren’t you, Ms. Cronin-Furman?!

Again…, these border agents are just people doing their job, and it’s a dangerous job…, and it’s a thankless job…, and these media hustlers just want to make their job even more difficult, and expose them and their families to additional harassment at home.

According to American Military News, “During Obama’s two-term presidency, from 2008 to 2016, border deaths ranged from 251 to 471 each year. The 471 deaths occurred in 2012, and that is the second highest number of border deaths in the last 20 years.  In the first two years of Trump’s presidency, border deaths have actually decreased [per Border Patrol data].”

I don’t recall hearing any outage during Obama’s presidency.  I don’t recall hearing one word about it actually. Nothing.

So what changed?

We all know “what” changed Ms. Cronin-Furman.

We all know what changed.

And it wasn’t your concern about “human rights.”

And it wasn’t your concern about these migrant children and families.

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Let’s play a picture game!

I’m going to show you a sequence of pictures.

See if you can see something they all have in common.

flags 1

flags 2

flags 3

flags 4

flags 5

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flags 7

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Well…, what do you think?

Yes…, these are all either pictures from “caravans” headed to our southern border or people attempting to enter our country illegally.

But…, the answer I was looking for is they all show migrants waving a flag that is typically blue and white.

No American flags, however.

The flags we see in these pictures are all from either Honduras,

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or El Salvador.

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The question is, why would you travel over 1,000 miles, on foot, to escape a country that is supposedly oppressing you to the point that you have to seek political asylum in another country, but then wave the flag of the country that you were forced to escape from?

If you desired political asylum from the United States, wouldn’t you be carrying and waving an American flag?

Wouldn’t someone…, anyone…, be carrying an American flag?

In fact…, I dare you to find a picture of migrants making their way to America, carrying an American flag.

These people aren’t  fleeing for their lives…, they’re fleeing for their wallets.

They’re fleeing to America to get on the gravy train…, not the freedom train.

It’s not that big of a deal I guess.  I just normally like a “kiss” before I get screwed.

Just sayin’.


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President Trump should “trump” Congress over the handling of illegal immigrants.

As we watch yet another migrant caravan making its way toward the U.S.-Mexico border, and as we set new records of migrants crossing into the U.S. each month, I believe President Trump should leap frog Congress and propose a solution to this illegal immigration crisis.

The solution I am suggesting is definitely not the best solution, but it’s a solution that I believe could garner support on most sides of this issue.

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It is widely accepted that our current border crisis “falls squarely on the hands of Congress,” according to the National Border Patrol Council.

Greg Norman for Fox News reports that, ‘“The record number of migrants coming to the U.S. border is no accident,’ National Border Patrol Council Vice President Hector Garza says.”

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“The massive migrant caravan said to be making its way toward the U.S.-Mexico border is a result of Congress ‘not acting and continuing to encourage illegal immigration,’ according to a border agent and top union official.”

Garza also says that migrants are taking advantage of the way the U.S. immigration system processes asylum seekers in order to gain entry to the country.

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“President Trump is doing everything in his power to be able to stop this crisis but Democrats and some activists are just doing everything behind his back to undermine his authority,” he told the hosts of Fox & Friends.

Realistically, and with there not being much hope of radically changing our current pathetic immigration laws anytime in the near future, we need to come up with strategy and a plan that is doable.

Will everyone love it?


Will everyone hate it?


So what is it?

Ok…, here we go.

First of all we have to face some facts.

There are currently tens of millions of illegal immigrants already in our country, with tens of thousands more joining them every month.

For the ones we actually catch crossing our border, our current laws don’t allow us to do much more than take their names, schedule a hearing date (which are backlogged for like 50 years) and let them loose into the country.

The ones we don’t catch (a number that is probably much greater than those we do catch) are just “out there” in our country doing who knows what.

We also have to understand that 99.9% of these illegals are never going to be forced to leave our country.

That is a fact.

Like it or not, they are here to stay.

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So…, now that we have that straight, what are we going to do with them?

Is it better to leave them in our country with an “illegal” status, or would it be better to provide a helpful way for them to achieve documented citizenship?

The taxpayers of this country are paying for these people one way or another, so we might as well get something out of this deal…, right?

I believe President Trump should hijack this whole issue and turn it into a strength for him, conservatives and other republicans.

President trump should propose a “Pathway Force.”

This “Pathway Force” would be somewhere in between the AmeriCorps program and the Army Reserve.

By serving in the “Pathway Force,” these “illegals” earn their way to citizenship.

At a designated start date, all illegal immigrants caught coming into the country would be automatically “drafted” into the pathway Force.

Those illegal immigrants already in the country could “enlist” and take advantage of the opportunities and benefits provided by the Pathway Force.

The Pathway Force program would provide housing, utilizing military bases, provide English classes, civics classes, and train them to be a kind of FEMA response force that would assist in public works programs, emergencies and natural disasters around the country.

After four years of service in the Pathway Force they earn their citizenship and they can leave the force or choose to re-enlist.

Like I said, like it or not, these people are here to stay.

For the “Dreamers” and others who can document that they have been productive workers and law-abiding citizens for a given period of time, I would propose amnesty and a conditional citizenship to be certified after an additional five years of issue free living.

By proposing these type of actions, President Trump could co-opt all of these immigrants and flip them to Trump supporters.

It would be a beautiful thing.

It would be a better “gotcha” than “The Sting” or “Ocean’s 11.”

The President and conservatives have nothing to lose…, only supporters to gain.

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Again…, remember…, these “illegals” aren’t going anywhere.

They are here to stay.

Now, with that understanding…, what are we going to do?

Let’s not bite off our noses to spite our faces.

Let’s be proactive and WIN this issue…, not continue to get beat up time and time again over it.

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Thank you, MrEricksonRules.

We’re sorry Mexico, but we have to fix the border problem one way or the other.

It’s become pretty apparent that as long as the democrats control the House of Representatives, the problems on our southern border and our problems with illegal immigration are not going to change.

If we can’t properly address these problems the way they should be addressed…, by fixing our own laws…, our only other option is to coerce Mexico into taking care of the problems on their side.

Mexico should be given six months to “seal” their side of the border.  If their results at that time don’t meet with President Trump’s approval, he should shut the U.S-Mexico border to trade and travel, until such time that President Trump is satisfied with their efforts.

This travel ban should include air travel to Mexico as well.

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The threat of this economic nightmare for Mexico should be reason enough for them to do what is necessary, and to do it quickly, to make us happy.

This six month window would also give US companies with ties to Mexico the time to apply the appropriate amount of pressure on the Mexican government, as well as make any business related “adjustments” they may need to make, regarding a potentially closed border.

Elvia Díaz is an editorial columnist for The Arizona Republic, where her comments first appeared, before appearing in USA TODAY.  She feels that, “…shutting down all trade and travel would be disastrous for Mexico.  But the U.S. economy also would be hit hard, if not collapse.”

All the more reason that US companies and Mexico would do what’s needed to be done.

I seriously doubt our economy would “collapse” if we can’t have guacamole with our nachos for a month or two!

No matter what is done by our government, about anything, is never completely convenient for everyone.

Being a white, male, heterosexual, conservative, like I am…, I and all of the others like me have come to understand that we get NO level of consideration regarding anything.

This is one reason why our demographic group tends to have lower levels of sympathy for others I suppose.

americas closed

Apparently Ms. Diaz thinks that our country absorbing the extensive costs to our social programs, our education system and our correction and law enforcement programs, incurred by the stream of well over 1,000 illegal immigrants a day poses less of an economic threat to us than closing the border with Mexico.

I’m willing to bet that an open border ends up costing us way more than a closed one would.

She continues by saying, “Many of these asylum seekers come from violence-ridden Central American countries.”

Would you like me to create a list of all of the “violence-ridden” countries in the world for you Ms. Diaz?  Would you like me to take a poll and see how many people in Chicago feel sorry for these “violence ridden” countries?  Let’s just say the list of “violence ridden” countries in the world would be quite long.  So the US should accept 5,000 “asylum seekers” a day?  10,000 a day?  25,000 a day?  Do you think they’d feel any safer if we sent a bunch of them to the projects in Chicago to live?

I have a feeling that Ms. Diaz would not be too eager to open up her own home to help accommodate some of these poor “asylum seekers.”  But she would be more than happy to overwhelm our country’s support systems, which are already overwhelmed and failing our own homeless and economically dependent citizens as it is.






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Go for it Mr. President!

With all due respect Mr. President, please all allow me to offer you my advice related to the current partial government shutdown.

If ending the government shutdown truly depends on either side compromising on building the wall, this shutdown could last for a very long time, which really isn’t a good thing in the end.

After discussing my intentions privately with the republican Senate and House leadership, I would tell Nancy Peloser and Upchuck Schumer that I was ready to reopen and fund the government, without any money for the wall at this point, and that if they sent legislation up to my office, I would sign it.

After my signing it, I’m sure Peloser and Upchuck would quickly proceed to hold a victory press conference to rub your nose in it.

But wait…, I’m coming to the good part!

The moment they began their victory speech, I would declare a state of emergency on our southern border and immediately begin construction of the wall.  Thus upstaging their announcement, while robbing them of gloating over their victory, and ending the shutdown at the same time.

You might as well get it over with and declare the emergency, because the democrats are going to challenge you in court no matter what you do, so you might as well get the ball rolling.  The sooner we get the process moving, the sooner it can get to The Supreme Court, at which time they will deem you are within your rights as The President to do what you have done, and we can get on with securing our border.

Every few weeks now we see another “caravan” has formed, with thousands of people, and is preparing to march through Mexico and challenge our southern border.

If having to deal with these invaders on a weekly basis isn’t a national emergency, what is?

And this is on top of the “normal” amount of drug smuggling and human trafficking.

I would not be overly concerned about setting precedent here.  Was Nancy concerned about setting one with the State of the Union address?

And like it has been pointed out before, if these illegal immigrants were turning around and voting for republicans, the wall would be so big you’d be able to see it from space.

The democrats are going to do what they need to do going forward and so should we, and so should you.

Don’t do what a politician would do.  Do what a patriot and a leader would do.

Go for it Mr. President!


Like you said, “One way or another.”


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Thank you, MrEricksonRules.

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